Project description

The aim of the project is to prepare a practical profile second-cycle program of study in the field of graphics. Implementation of the program will enable students to acquire competences that meet the needs and demands of the economy and society and are desired by employers.

The project will contribute to achieving the specific objective of PO WER by:

  • engaging employers in the modification of education , development and implementation of the education program;
  • raising employees’ professional competences.

The project will provide prospective staff of professional graphic designers who know and apply the modern technologies. The target group are future students and their employers. The idea of ​​our initiative is to learn and convey high visual values ​​in digital art and graphics. The main theme is three-dimensional space and a combination of 3D modelling with sculpture and creating artistic installations.

The application of innovative techniques that have become bridges between three-dimensional virtual and real space is one of the key elements and the result of undertaken activities and will compose a very important part of the work. The technologies include: 3D printing, where items digitally designed, thanks to constantly improved devices, become a real object or analogue sculpture; Virtual Reality (VR) space, where the world modelled in computer applications with special tools may be experienced just like in reality; three-dimensional scanning that allows you to transfer real objects to the digital world.

As part of the studies, there will be subject using VR equipment where we will explore the issue of how art works in the network and in virtual reality. A Virtual Reality art gallery will be created, as well as art studios using new media in sculpture and installations, 3d printing workshops, 3D scanning, analogue and digital sculpture, modelling, design, and digital painting. The studies have an open character and broad scope; technologies interact with each other, intertwine and the main premise is the development of creative thought using innovative techniques while regarding valuable visual patterns that take into account the achievements of culture and art.

The main tasks of the project are to create the program and activities enabling its subsequent implementation. The main outcome will be a unique study program with administrative support in an international environment. International cooperation will achieve synergies because both sides are complementary to each other. The benefit of the project will be the creation of international education opportunities of prospective employees.

Partnership cooperation allows for future development and internationalization with regard to other studies in other fields offered by partners. The project solves the problems of the job market which faces a lack of specialists with unique skills combining traditional and modern techniques in the area of ​​3 dimensions.

Projekt Trzeci Wymiar Grafiki WIT Szkoła Wyższa pod auspicjami PAN Universitatea De Artă Şi Design, UAD Program Katamaran – Przygotowanie i realizacja wspólnych studiów II stopnia
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