From a bookstore shelf

From a bookstore shelf

A book is an inseparable attribute of both lecturers and students. Without books, there will
be no diploma or final theses, articles or curriculum development. And even in
today’s digitized world, a traditional book published on paper is, as always,
of great value. The word and image conveyed in the book reach our hearts and
minds, where they stimulate the emergence of new ideas, projects, and works of art.

In line with the project’s tasks, books, that enriched the collection of the UAD Library, were
purchased. We are delighted that, despite the difficult conditions of the pandemic,  

we have implemented yet another task from our project of creating joint study plans.

Projekt Trzeci Wymiar Grafiki WIT Szkoła Wyższa pod auspicjami PAN Universitatea De Artă Şi Design, UAD Program Katamaran – Przygotowanie i realizacja wspólnych studiów II stopnia
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